Counsel Wins CAT

which are sort of like the Oscars for cartooning. The Cartoon Art Trust supports the Cartoon Museum in Bloomsbury, hosting the CAT Awards Dinner to raise funds for the museum and keep its doors open. At the dinner were some of the finest cartoonists in the UK - Matt Pritchett, Mac of the Mail, Nick Newman (who co-writes Private Eye), and plenty of politicians and lawyers to dig deep into their pockets to support the good cause.

Cartoon Museum
I'm not sure I felt entirely worthy of the prize. After all, surrounded by so much talent, you can't help wonder if others are more deserving. And I wasn't the only one. who does the daily political cartoon for The Times. In his acceptance speech Brookes said "I was going to say I don't deserve this award, but then I'd run the risk of everyone agreeing with me". Which is sort of how I felt on the night. 
 has been in the pages of The Times for almost 25 years, so it's probably a longevity award as much as anything else. When I said to this to Mac of the Daily Mail he said "longevity? I've been in the Mail for 40 years. That's longevity!" And he's right. 

Malcolm Gladwell says you need 10,000 hours to get good at something, and right now I'm probably about half way there. So maybe in another 25 years I'll get really good at this stuff.



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