Festivus! Thursday

Festivus 5th October
Festivus is back! London's regular animation networking event is an opportunity for our students and recent graduates to get to know people in the animation industry, find out who is hiring, and where the jobs are.

There will be a number of guest speakers, including folks from Blue Zoo, one of the UK's leading animation studios.

What is Festivus all about?
Festivus is all about meeting people in our industry, networking, and - of course - enjoying a pint with friends.  It's is an opportunity to meet people from London animation studios, see what job opportunities there are, and even get some showreel feedback.

Why go along?
As ever, we recommend our students attend events like this. There is no better way to build contacts and connections in our industry, and find out where the opportuntities are in today's market.

Ground Floor, The Comedy Pub, 7 Oxendon Street, London


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