How To Get Ready For

Below is a brief list of stuff to get you under way. You don't have to do all of it, but tick off a few of the things on this list and you will be a making a great start on your animation career.

First, here is a short reading list to get you started. We've narrowed it down to just two key books that we recommend for all our students.

The Animator's Survival Kit.
Any serious student of animation should buy a
Animation Methods by David Rodriguez 
  It is especially good for the technical bits that the older books don't cover.  It takes you through Autodesk Maya and shows you what all the tools do, and how to apply them to your animation.

Download your free copy of Maya
OK - so you've bought a book or two - what else? The next thing to do, assuming you have a decent computer or laptop at home, is get yourself a free copy of Autodesk Maya.  Maya is the main software we animate with, nowadays it's the industry standard.

Watch some tutorials
Start to learn the Maya interface. Below is a free tutorial in the Maya tools (there are tons of similar ones) hosted at YouTube, to get you started.

Start watching our free videos
Once you have done that, take a look ,The week 1 videos are all free and this gives you a general introduction to animation, helping you to get familiar with the language of the medium.

Welcome to Animation Apprentice!
If you do some or all the things on this list - you will have a great head start! We look forward to meeting you!


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