Transform Manipulator Problem

Maya 2018, like all new recent releases from Autodesk, can be a bit buggy.

Many students downloading this latest release of the 20-year old software package have experienced a problem selecting the Transform Manipulator on their character rig, meaning (in plain English) that you can't move your characters around.

The problem
The problem is simple. You open up Maya, import your character rig, but when you try to use your mouse or tablet pen to selecting the the Transform Manipulator on your character rig, you just get a weird marquee select instead. You can't select the handles, and you can't move your characters around.

The solution
Click on the the Preferences button on the bottom right hand corner of your screen. In the pop-up window, search for Display (top left) and click on it. Now look for Viewport 2.0 and, under Rendering engine, change the dropdown menu to DirectX 11. Re-start Maya, and this should fix the problem - for now at least.


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